Race for the Disabled

Cycling club RBB invest Jindřichův Hradec

Place and date:
Sunday, September 10, 2023 from 13:30 - centre of Jindřichův Hradec

Race Director:
Jan Bílkovský
Políkno 66,
377 01 Jindřichův Hradec
e- mail: jan.bilkovsky@seznam.cz
phone: +420 721 589 867

Chief referee:
Delegated by the CSC Road Commission

Medical support: ZZS JčK, centre Jindřichův Hradec

Race course:

Circuit in the town centre, without elevation gain, length of one circuit 600m
Klášterská - nám. T. G. Masaryka - Jarošovská - Kmentova - Klášterská
The race is held with road traffic excluded. The organizer reserves the right to make necessary
technical changes from the race schedule due to unforeseen circumstances.

Entry forms:

Ideally by 8 September 2023 to email: jan.bilkovsky@seznam.cz
Also available on site on the day of the race at the finish truck
Presentation, issue of bibs:

Sunday 10 September 2023 (race day) 12:00 - 12:30 pm, finish truck


Tricycles, bicycles, wheelchair riders alone and with an escort
The right to start is open to riders aged 17 and over organised in the Spastic Federation
Handicap but also unorganized - incoming - 10 circuits i.e. 6 km.
Participation condition:

Any bicycle with two independent brakes. Participants are required to wear a protective helmet and start at their own risk.
All riders are responsible for entering the race with a medical examination that does not restrict them from participating in bike races.
The tricycle and bicycle must comply with UCI Para cycling regulations.

Entry fee:
There is no entry fee.

Parking is only allowed in designated areas outside the race route

Announcement of results:
In the finish area at approx. 15:00

Competitors in the first three places in the announced category will receive prizes in kind

Jan Bílkovský
Race director
