Kids Race in J.Hradec

Cycling club RBB invest Jindřichův Hradec

Place and date:
Sunday, September 10, 2023 from 13:00 - centre of Jindřichův Hradec

Race Director:
Jan Bílkovský
Políkno 66,
377 01 Jindřichův Hradec
e- mail:
phone: +420 721 589 867

Chief referee:
Delegated by the CSC Road Commission

Medical support: ZZS JčK, centre Jindřichův Hradec

Race course:

Circuit in the town centre, without elevation gain, length of one circuit 600m
Klášterská - nám. T. G. Masaryka - Jarošovská - Kmentova - Klášterská
The race is held with road traffic excluded. The organizer reserves the right to make necessary
technical changes from the race schedule due to unforeseen circumstances.

Entry forms:

Ideally by 9/9/2023 to email:
Also possible on site on the day of the race at the finish truck
Presentation, issue of bibs:

Sunday 10 September 2023 (race day) 12:00 - 12:30, finish truck


Younger pupils (age 6-8 years) 1 circuit = 0.6 km
Younger pupils (age 6-8 years) 1 circuit = 0,6 km
Older pupils (age 9-11 years) 2 circuits = 1.2 km
Older pupils (age 9-11 years) 2 circuits = 1.2 km

Participation condition:

Any bicycle with two independent brakes. Participants are required to have
helmet and start at their own risk.
For participants in the children's categories, a signed consent of a legal guardian (at the end of the downloadable rules below)

Entry fee:
There is no entry fee.

Parking is only allowed in designated areas outside the race route

Announcement of results:
In the finish area at approx. 15:00

Prizes in kind for all participants

Jan Bílkovský
Race director
